Cal Poly Racing - Formula SAE

Aerodynamics Subsystem - Structures Sub-Lead

As a Structures Sub-Lead with the Aerodynamics Team, I oversaw the development of support structures for our undertray. I was also the lead structural analyst for all of our aerodynamic elements. Further, in our manufacturing season, I have taken part in several carbon composite wet layups and machined metallic components. Below, you’ll see a collection of photos from our 2021-2022 manufacturing season and slides detailing the design and analysis I have conducted.

Structural Design and Analysis

During our 2021 Design Season, I oversaw the development of structural components for our composite undertray. This consisted of an entirely new mounting scheme designed to minimize the use of CNC machined components. We also spent a large amount of time in development of an entirely new Front Wing architecture with an estimated weight savings of 15% over last season’s setup. Much of this weight savings came from a new airfoil choice (allowing for a shorter chord) and support mounting lugs integrated into the internal structure of the wing, which protrudes through cutouts in the carbon skin. This technique was also applied to our Rear Wing assembly, shown below. Further, I completed several composite static structural simulations of all main aerodynamic components on our car using ANSYS ACP. In doing so, I also taught 2 lowerclassmen the fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis and using ANSYS for composite structural simulation.

Below, you’ll find a collection of slides from our most recent Complete Design Review (CDR) where I had the opputinuty of presenting the design and analysis mentioned above.


Investment Cast Bottle Openers


Injection Molded Screwdriver